There are around 21 design patterns and categorize in 3 categories that we will mention here
First, just have a look at the list and categorize it

Creational patterns: Creational patterns support the creation of objects
Singleton pattern
Builder pattern
Factory pattern
Abstract Factory Pattern
Prototype Pattern

Structural patterns: Structural patterns concern class and object compositions
The bridge pattern
The facade pattern
The proxy design pattern
Adapter Pattern
Composite Pattern
Decorator Pattern
Flyweight Pattern

Behavioral patterns: Behavioral patterns concern communication between classes
Observer Pattern
The command design pattern,
The strategy pattern
Chain of Responsibility Pattern
Iterator Pattern
Mediator Pattern
Memento Pattern
State Pattern
Strategy Pattern
Visitor Pattern
Template Method Pattern

And the full list here:
Observer Pattern
Builder Pattern
Model – View – View – Model Pattern
Factory Pattern
Adapter Pattern
Interactor Pattern
Prototype Pattern
State Pattern
Milticast Delegate Pattern
Facade Pattern
Flyweight Pattern
Mediator Pattern
Composite Pattern
Command Pattern
Chain of Responsibility Pattern
Coordinator Pattern

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