What is this article about ?
What is HAProxy ?
Install HAProxy
Configure the load balancer
Use HAProxy to balance Websocket traffic
Use HAProxy to configue backup server
HAProxy algo
Use HAProxy to Observe all requests for errors
Use HAProxy to Monitor for server downtime
Use HAProxy to send logs to syslog
Separating errors into their own log file
Redirecting HTTP traffic to HTTPS
URL rewriting
Security: basic Auth
Security :Denying requests from an attacker for a time
Security: whitelist IP Address

What is HAProxy ?

In simple, HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for very high traffic web sites and powers quite a number of the world’s most visited ones.

Install HAProxy

Issue the command below to install haproxy:
sudo yum install haproxy
Enable it and start it
sudo systemctl restart haproxy
sudo systemctl enable haproxy

Configure the load balancer

The HAProxy basic configuration file is located at

An HAProxy basic configuration informs the load balancing system on what kind of connections it should be listening for and which servers it should relay the connections to.
We are going to create a configuration file /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg containing the necessary settings and configurations.
sudo nano /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
Enter the following into the file:

log /dev/log local0
log /dev/log local1 notice
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin
stats timeout 30s
user haproxy
group haproxy

log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000

frontend http_front
bind *:80
stats uri /haproxy?stats
default_backend http_back

backend http_back
balance roundrobin
server my_server private_IP:80 check
server my_server private_IP:80 check

Ensure to save the file before closing it.

Next, restart Haproxy using the command below:

sudo systemctl restart haproxy
sudo systemctl enable haproxy

Use HAProxy to balance Websocket traffic

Websocket is where HAProxy take advantage of nginx and apache.
Take a look at at, and You can use this configuration below:

  log local0
  maxconn 8192
  user haproxy
  group haproxy

  log global
  mode http
  option httplog
  option http-server-close
  option dontlognull
  option redispatch
  option contstats
  retries 3
  backlog 10000
  timeout client          35s
  timeout connect          5s
  timeout server          35s
  timeout tunnel        3600s
  timeout http-keep-alive  1s
  timeout http-request    15s
  timeout queue           30s
  timeout tarpit          60s
  default-server inter 3s rise 2 fall 3
  option forwardfor

listen stats
   bind *:8080
   stats enable
   stats hide-version
   stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
   stats uri /status
   stats auth user:password

frontend public
  bind *:80
  maxconn 10000
  acl is_websocket hdr_end(host) -i ws.node-example.com
  use_backend ws if is_websocket
  default_backend www

backend www
  timeout check 5000
  option httpchk GET /status?haproxy=1
  balance roundrobin
  server www1 maxconn 1000 weight 10 cookie websrv_www check inter 10000 rise 1 fall 3
  server www2 maxconn 1000 weight 10 cookie websrv_www check inter 10000 rise 1 fall 3

backend ws
  timeout check 5000
  option httpchk GET /status?haproxy=1
  balance roundrobin
  cookie HAPROXY_COOKIE insert indirect nocache
  server ws1 maxconn 1000 weight 10 cookie websrv_ws check inter 10000 rise 1 fall 3 check cookie ws1
  server ws2 maxconn 1000 weight 10 cookie websrv_ws check inter 10000 rise 1 fall 3 check cookie ws2

Use HAProxy to configue backup server

Now, if both service1 and service2 go offline, we will try to let service3 and service4 take over. The config is below:

backend webservice
balance roundrobin
server service1 check
server service2 check
server service3 check backup
server service4 check backup
option allbackups

HAProxy algo

The roundrobin algorithm
The weighted roundrobin algorithm
The leastconn algorithm
The weighted leastconn algorithm
The hash uri algorithm
The first available algorithm

Use HAProxy to Observe all requests for errors

In the following example, we monitor all connections to the db1 server for errors. If we see three
consecutive failed connections, we will take the server offline just like we would if we’d had three
failed health checks.

backend msql_databases
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
server db1 check fall 3 inter 2m observe layer4 error-limit 1
server db2 check backup


Use HAProxy to Monitor for server downtime

It is quite simple

stats enable

And you can have a look at stats

Use HAProxy to send logs to syslog

HAProxy comes ready to use syslog. The HAProxy executable calls syslog functions, which are
written into its source code, whenever it encounters something noteworthy. These function calls create
the log messages. In our /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg file, we need to specify where to send this data. By
default, Ubuntu has a socket listening at /dev/log that we can send syslog events to. Update the /etc/
haproxy/haproxy.cfg file’s global section so that it contains a log directive that points to this socket.

log /dev/log local0 info

The first parameter tells HAProxy where syslog is listening. For the second parameter, we pass
local0 as the facility, which identifies the program doing the logging. There are a number of
predefined facilities, such as cron, mail and kern, but since there isn’t a built-in facility for haproxy, we
use one of the generic, any-purpose local designations. We can use the local0 through local7 facilities.
The third parameter sets the events, by level of importance, that we’d like to log. The levels, from most
to least important, are: emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info and debug

Separating errors into their own log file

Add option log-separate-errors
You can look at the sample config

log global
option log-separate-errors

More notes:
From most important to least, they are: emerg,
alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info and debug

Redirecting HTTP traffic to HTTPS

The sample config is below

frontend mywebsite
bind *:80
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/mywebsite_cert.pem
redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
default_backend webservers
backend webservers
balance roundrobin
server web1 check
server web2 check

URL rewriting

Security : basic auth

Now, we try to Configure Basic authentication by adding a new section called userlist to the /etc/haproxy/
haproxy.cfg file.
In the following example, we define a list of usernames and passwords in a
userlist section that I’ve decided to call TrustedPeople:
Sample config

userlist TrustedPeople
user bob insecure-password password123
user alice insecure-password anotherpassword

Security : Denying requests from an attacker for a time

When we detect that a user may be abusing our website, we can deny their requests for a certain
amount of time. We’ll build on the example where we tracked each client’s connection rate. In the
following snippet, when a client’s connection rate is too high, we flag them as an abuser and deny their
requests for two minutes.
Example config below

frontend mywebsite
bind *:80
default_backend webservers
stick-table type ip size 200k expire 2m store conn_rate(3s),gpc0
acl conn_rate_abuse sc0_conn_rate gt 60
acl flag_as_abuser sc0_inc_gpc0 gt 0
acl is_abuser src_get_gpc0 gt 0
http-request track-sc0 src
http-request deny if is_abuser
http-request deny if conn_rate_abuse flag_as_abuser

Security : Whitelisting IP addresses

Sometimes, you may want to allow a set of IP addresses that are whitelisted to always be accepted,
even if they trigger rules that would have otherwise denied them. In the following example, we store
the client’s error rate in a stick-table by using the http_err_rate data type. If, over a
sampled time of five seconds, the client receives more than 10 errors, such as HTTP 404 Not Found,
then we flag them as an abuser and deny them until the record in the table expires. We’ve set the
expiration time to two minutes.
Sample config

frontend mywebsite
bind *:80
stick-table type ip size 200k expire 2m store http_err_rate(5s),gpc0
acl too_many_errors src_http_err_rate gt 10
acl flag_as_abuser sc0_inc_gpc0 gt 0
acl is_abuser src_get_gpc0 gt 0
acl whitelisted src
http-request track-sc0 src
http-request allow if whitelisted
http-request deny if is_abuser
http-request deny if too_many_errors flag_as_abuser
default_backend webservers

# Ref

Using HAProxy with Socket.io and SSL


About the Author

Trần Huy

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