Golang the basic concept of Go Programing

Go is a statically-typed, concurrent, and garbage-collected programming language developed by Google. Here are some of the basic concepts and guidelines for writing code in Go: Syntax: Go has a simple and straightforward syntax that is easy to learn. The language has a strict coding style, with specific rules for naming variables, functions, and types, […]

Clean code in writing Go program

When writing code in Go, it is important to follow good coding practices to ensure that your code is clean, maintainable, and scalable. Here are some clean code and clean architecture practices to follow: Go coding style: Follow the official Go coding style guide, which includes recommendations for naming conventions, formatting, and documentation. Consistent coding […]

Interfaces in Go and best practice

Interfaces in Go are a set of methods that defines a behavior. A type can implement an interface by defining methods with the same signatures as the methods defined in the interface. This allows for a form of polymorphism in Go, where a single function or method can operate on values of different types, as […]