Install tmux for macos

brew install tmux

Install tmux for ubuntu

sudo apt-get install tmux -y

Config file in tmux

Config file is located at

Leader key in tmux

By default, leader key is Ctrl+b (Press Ctrl and b)
It will activate more tmux function

Install plugin manager for tmux

Install plugin for tmux

+ Add plugin in config file
+ update source file with
tmux source ~/.tmux.conf
+ Run install
Ctrl+b I (capital I)
Or use this command

tmux mode and how to access these mode

Copy mode : Ctrl+b [

Create a new session with tmux

tmux new -s name_of_session

Access session with tmux

tmux a -t name_of_session

List all session with tmux

tmux ls
or use those command below to last and choose another session
Ctrl+b w (list all windows)
Ctrl+b s (list all session)

Create / delete a windows with tmux

To create a new window
Ctrl+b c

To delete a window
Ctrl+b &

To switch between 2 windows
Ctrl+b l

Create / delete a pane with tmux

Use this command to create a new pane
Ctrl+b % : create a new vertical pane
Ctrl+b ” : create a new horizontal pane

To delete a pane:
Ctrl+b x

To move between pane
Ctrl+b arrow-key (up/down/left/right)

Resize pane with tmux

Try those command
tmux resize-pane -R
tmux resize-pane -L
tmux resize-pane -U
tmux resize-pane -D

Copy and paste in tmux

Use the plugin
set -g @plugin ‘tmux-plugins/tmux-yank’

Or use the following method
Access Copy mode : Ctrl+b [
Use arrow key to go to the position where you want to start copying
Use Ctrl+Space to start copying
Use Ctrl+c or y to copy / Or use Alt+w or Ctrl+w to copy to tmux buffer
Use Ctrl+] to paste

More reference for a better understanding of tmux

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