Author: Trần Huy

Trần Huy

Posts by Trần Huy:

Optimize SQL

Ví dụ sử dụng EXPLAIN ANALYZE và đọc dữ liệu plan EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM ENGINEER WHERE first_name = ‘Dominique’ AND last_name LIKE ‘%a%’; Chú ý cách đọc plan sẽ đi từ trong ra ngoài, không phải từ trên xuống dưới: Step đầu tiên dễ dàng nhận thấy là index scan với điều kiện […]

Sắc màu cuộc sống – album 11: back to phu yen

NodeJs Cluster Application


Debug go lang with dlv dap


Thread and concurrent in swift

A thread is basically a particular path of execution of code. Thread1 is the “main thread”, the one where your app does its basic operations, all of the user interface code, etc. When you start getting into more sophisticated programming, you might employ concurrency, where you send time consuming operations to a background thread/queue so […]

Calculate memory of a map golang

+ cách tính memory của 1 map + có release không thì dựa vào GC bito computing + câu chuyện memory + câu chuyện computing, n với n2

My book choices

Building a Career in Software: A Comprehensive Guide to Success in the Software Industry “` Software engineering education has a problem: universities and bootcamps teach aspiring engineers to write code, but they leave graduates to teach themselves the countless supporting tools required to thrive in real software companies. Building a Career in Software is the […]

Software Engineer roadmap via books 1.The Passionate Programmer by Chad Fowler This is first on the list because it’s a super easy read, not too technical, and provides loads of value around how to build and structure your career. If you’re entrepreneurial, you’ll take to the book quickly. Essentially, it teaches you how to manage your career from a […]

Nodejs developer roadmap


Basic understanding of Impala