What is SOLID principles

SOLID is a mnemon­ic for five design prin­ci­ples intend­ed to make soft­ware designs more under­stand­able, flex­i­ble and maintainable.

As with every­thing in life, using these prin­ci­ples mind­less­ly can cause more harm than good. The cost of apply­ing these prin­ci­ples into a pro­gram’s archi­tec­ture might be mak­ing it more com­pli­cat­ed than it should be. I doubt that there’s a suc­cess­ful soft­ware prod­uct in which all of these prin­ci­ples are applied at the same time. Striv­ing for these prin­ci­ples is good, but always try to be prag­mat­ic and don’t take every­thing writ­ten here as dogma.

SOLID first principle: Single Responsibility Principle

A class should have just one rea­son to change.
Try to make every class respon­si­ble for a sin­gle part of the func­tion­al­i­ty pro­vid­ed by the soft­ware, and make that respon­si­bil­i­ty entire­ly encap­su­lat­ed by (you can also say hid­den with­in) the class

SOLID second principle: Open/Closed Principle

Class­es should be open for exten­sion but closed for modification.
The main idea of this prin­ci­ple is to keep exist­ing code from break­ing when you imple­ment new features.

A class is open if you can extend it, pro­duce a sub­class and do what­ev­er you want with it—add new meth­ods or fields, over­ride base behav­ior, etc. Some pro­gram­ming lan­guages let you restrict fur­ther exten­sion of a class with spe­cial key­words, such as final. After this, the class is no longer open. At the same time, the class is closed (you can also say com­plete) if it’s 100% ready to be used by other class­es—its inter­face is clear­ly defined and won’t be changed in the future.

SOLID third principle: Liskov Sub­sti­tu­tion Prin­ci­ple

When extend­ing a class, remem­ber that you should be able to pass objects of the sub­class in place of objects of the par­ent class with­out break­ing the client code.
This means that the sub­class should remain com­pat­i­ble with the behav­ior of the super­class. When over­rid­ing a method, extend the base behav­ior rather than replac­ing it with some­thing else entirely.

The sub­sti­tu­tion prin­ci­ple is a set of checks that help pre­dict whether a sub­class remains com­pat­i­ble with the code that was able to work with objects of the super­class. This con­cept is crit­i­cal when devel­op­ing libraries and frame­works because your class­es are going to be used by other peo­ple whose code you can’t direct­ly access and change.

SOLID fourth principle: Interface Segregation Principle

Clients shouldn’t be forced to depend on meth­ods they do not use.
Try to make your inter­faces nar­row enough that client class­es don’t have to imple­ment behav­iors they don’t need.

Accord­ing to the inter­face seg­re­ga­tion prin­ci­ple, you should break down “fat” inter­faces into more gran­u­lar and spe­cif­ic ones. Clients should imple­ment only those meth­ods that they real­ly need. Oth­er­wise, a change to a “fat” inter­face would break even clients that don’t use the changed methods.

Class inher­i­tance lets a class have just one super­class, but it doesn’t limit the num­ber of inter­faces that the class can imple­ment at the same time. Hence, there’s no need to cram tons of unre­lat­ed meth­ods to a sin­gle inter­face. Break it down into sev­er­al more refined inter­faces—you can imple­ment them all in a sin­gle class if need­ed. How­ev­er, some class­es may be fine with imple­ment­ing just one of them.

SOLID fifth principle: Dependency Inversion Principle

High-level class­es shouldn’t depend on low-level class­es. Both should depend on abstrac­tions. Abstrac­tions shouldn’t depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
Usu­al­ly when design­ing soft­ware, you can make a dis­tinc­tion between two lev­els of classes.

Low-level class­es imple­ment basic oper­a­tions such as work­ing with a disk, trans­fer­ring data over a net­work, con­nect­ing to a data­base, etc.
High-level class­es con­tain com­plex busi­ness logic that directs low-level class­es to do something.

Some­times peo­ple design low-level class­es first and only then start work­ing on high-level ones. This is very com­mon when you start devel­op­ing a pro­to­type on a new sys­tem, and you’re not even sure what’s pos­si­ble at the high­er level because low-level stuff isn’t yet imple­ment­ed or clear. With such an approach busi­ness logic class­es tend to become depen­dent on prim­i­tive low-level classes.

The depen­den­cy inver­sion prin­ci­ple sug­gests chang­ing the direc­tion of this dependency.

For starters, you need to describe inter­faces for low-level oper­a­tions that high-level class­es rely on, prefer­ably in busi­ness terms. For instance, busi­ness logic should call a method openReport(file) rather than a series of meth­ods openFile(x), readBytes(n), closeFile(x). These inter­faces count as high-level ones.
Now you can make high-level class­es depen­dent on those inter­faces, instead of on con­crete low-level class­es. This depen­den­cy will be much soft­er than the orig­i­nal one.
Once low-level class­es imple­ment these inter­faces, they become depen­dent on the busi­ness logic level, revers­ing the direc­tion of the orig­i­nal dependency.
The depen­den­cy inver­sion prin­ci­ple often goes along with the open/closed prin­ci­ple: you can extend low-level class­es to use with dif­fer­ent



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Trần Huy

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